project list
- nossa sra da anunciação church
- forum consultants ltd
- olival basto comunity centre
- industrial building in an entertainment building
- macau international airport 11 public toilets
- fire boat shelter
- social welfare department office interior design
- bivet veterinary clinic
- marina restaurants
- customs office façade design
- social welfare department office building
- cam office interior design and fit out
- flag – computer learning centre
- l.n.águas grundfos warehouse and offices
- aveiro building, (dental clinic, retail unit and restaurant)
- pedestrian bridge
- castro verde playground
- jacinto faleiro elderly centre
- antónio prates foundation
- silves, tavira quarteira e lagoa’s healthcentres
- porto de abrigo restaurant
- adega restaurant
- tutti sensi shop
- gourmet café – oficina do gosto
- 5 decoration shops for michele k
- jeweller’s shop
- tuxa hairdresser
- dr. raposo house
- plátanos condominium
- pero boi house
- old house refurbishment
- 3 houses
- carnaxide apartment
- quinta mont-fleuri studio
- alfaquiques house
- albogas small house
- portela kitchen layout
- martim freire house
- claudia belchior house
- sassoeiros house
- luis bivar avenue kitchen and w.c
- lapa kitchen and w.c. construction details
- house in vialonga
- empreiteiro house
- mr. arruda house - azores
- ruraltur
- pires guerra house
- three model houses
- vimeiro golf hotel refurbishment competition
- luanda house - patio and pavillion competition
- car park
- martial arts sports complex
- library in santa maria island
- young artists digital photograph competition
- mondaine competition
- ifda competition
- rio maior bus terminal
- expresso/sojornal building
- house construction viability - monchique
- house construction viability - manique
- commercial complex renovation from residential buildings
- housing fisability study - lote d
- gemini comercial centre refurbishment
- jfs fachade color scheme
- lubango master plan, for cns - angola
- alto dos espalhatos, azores
- quinta da nascente, rio maior
- “best 2003 portuguese comics” set, in the xiv internacional festival of comics in amadora (fibda)
- children’s scenic space in the xv internacional festival of comics in amadora
- two sets in the xviii internacional festival of comics in amadora